Privacy Policy

Do We Collect Data If You Only Visit Our Site And Do Not Use Our Services?

We guarantee all the information that we collect/receive from our users is strictly kept confidential. This section is aimed at informing you how we gather, process and use your personal data. Before you get started with us, kindly go through the entire section. We may update our privacy policy page occasionally as confidentiality laws are constantly changing. No, we do not gather your personal information without your permission, if you are just going through our site. We may place pixels or cookies on your PC. Cookies store specific data while you’re accessing our site. You can disable this setting from the browser, if you want.

What Information Do We Gather From Our Users?

We collect only the data which is required for processing your request. We generally acquire the following information from our users – Name, Email address, Address, Phone number, The date you communicated with us, Browser’s information, IP address. We do not have access to users’ bank account related information because all the monetary transactions are processed by third party payment processor.

What We Do With The Gathered Information?

Collected information is used for:

  • To process and complete requests of our users
  • To keep our services and products secure and safe
  • To provide our clients customized services and products
  • To notify our users about any important alteration to our site
  • For internal operations like research, testing, data analysis, service improvement and troubleshooting
  • To provide personalized and customized advertisements

Do We Disclose Our Users’ Information To Others?

Our policy is to never disclose our users’ information to third parties unless required by law. Rest assured that your data is handled with the utmost care.

Copyright © 2024. Job Support Program PVT LTD. All Rights Reserved. provides resume writing, editing, and proofreading services to assist clients in presenting their qualifications effectively. While we strive to enhance the quality and presentation of client documents, we do not guarantee job placement or specific outcomes. All services are provided based on the information and guidance provided by the client. Clients are responsible for the accuracy and truthfulness of their personal information and experiences shared with
